Human society is dependent on the proper working of many systems. The ecological systems, the economic systems, the political systems, the religious systems, the social systems: all have failed thus leading to human misery, destitution and mental depression. Why have human thinkers failed to devise ways to build happy and prosperous human societies by correctly understanding these complex entities?
The gap between human thought and reality consisting of complex systems has become unbridgeable because science which progresses using the process of reductionism for unraveling the secrets of simple entities has entranced the thinkers in various fields and dazzled the world by making many inventions and discoveries. Our thinkers who formulate theories for these complex systems still remain confined to the reductionist path and so we go on missing the bus. Modern discoveries in the fields of physics and Biology are scaling new heights. Reductionist thought processes can not fathom the dimensions of complex systems amongst which the foremost are evolution and the human brain Prof. Paul Davies advocates ‘The Synthetic Path’ instead of the reductionist Path for the understanding of complex phenomena. In the essay ‘The Synthetic path’ Paul Davies writes”,
“We can’t avail some anthropic component in our science, which is interesting, because, after three hundred years, we finally realize that we do matter. Our vantage point in the universe is relevant-to our science.” 1
He confines the anthropic element only to the selective process. He denies it any causative role. Man chooses one phenomenon amongst many existing in nature.
Stephen Hawking in his famous speech in 1979 predicted the reaching of the end in theoretical physics. Prof. Davies confines this prediction only to that science which is the product of the reductionist paths. Research on the complex systems is only at the beginning stage. “It is (complex systems are) more than just a large number of simple systems, coming together in conjunction. Complex systems really do have their own laws, principles and their own internal logic.” 2
John ‘Brockmann writes in a similar manner “……simple entities work together to produce some complex thing that transcends them. The implications for biology, engineering and physics are enormous”. 3
Nobel-prize winner M. Gellmann desired a new way to cover diverse fields: simple as well as complex ones: simple rules and complex entities. He calls this “PLECTICS” (a new word coined by him).
Nobel winner, physicist M. Gell-Mann throws light on complexity thus, “In each case, the complexity of a thing is context- dependent…. Not only is the thing being described, but also on who or what is doing the describing… that is a task that I have undertaken.” 4
More discussion of the difficulty and limitations of theory- building in the field of complexity is necessary in view of the importance of the subject. Almost all theorists come from either the Western society or the Orient under the Western system of education. Their own-theory craze comes out in the writings of Nobel Prize winner in the field of particle physics, Richard Feynman.
“I fell deeply in love with it (theory). And like falling in love with a woman ….. you cannot see her faults…. I was held to this theory, in spite of all the difficulties, by my youthful enthusiasm.” 5
This infatuation with a theory prejudices the selective principle. A number of scientists and biologists are Hobbesians, believing in violence and racial superiority.
Again Richard Feynman writes,”
“Psychologically we must keep all the theories in our head and every theoretical physicist who is any good knows six or seven different theoretical representations for exactly the same physics. He knows that they are all equivalent …… he keeps them in his head, hoping that they will give different ideas for guessing.” 6
We need many theories so that the anthropic principle (selective principle) helps in guessing the most appropriate theory for understanding any complex phenomenon.
Nobel winner Murray Gell-Mann explains, “… much mischief has been done in the world by exaggerating the role of scientific metaphor in human affairs. The science of economics provides an example: people have tried to apply a stripped-down version of economics to human affairs, omitting a great many values, a great many things of importance. By stressing the need of competition and greed in human affairs, economist theoreticians have done great harm. No wonder the system has collapsed in the present decade bringing immense misery to the global population.” 7
The Indian philosophy of Samkhya denounces greed in society by calling it a Rajasic value (KAMA ESA KRODHA ESA… BAIRINAM) Treat greed and violence as two great enemies having Rajasic Character (GUNA). They are enemies to be shunned. 8
Murray Gell-mann speaks, “Each of the human beings for example, is the product of an enormously long sequence of accidents, any of which could have turned out differently… each of us, individuals, have genes that result from a long sequence of accidental mutations and chance meetings, as well as natural selection.” 9
Which accidents / accident, led to the rise of Mahenjodaro Harappa civilization, the only advanced non-violent – civilization in the world. The other leading civilizations of the ancient world were violent and slave-based. The Chinese civilization, though founded on war, was somewhat different because it laid stress not on warrior kings but sage-kings, and placed scholars at a higher level than the soldiers.
S. Abid Husain writes.
“… Geographical factors, especially the climate of the country, have given to Indians a general out look and temperament and helped to mould their thought and action… For the moment all your feelings and desires, your cognition and will, in fact your whole self are steeped in something which can be called contemplation or meditation. The intellect…. think of all creation as one, and imagination, which is free from the bothers of sense and perception, visualizes this unity.” 10
Contemplation or meditation enabled Indian thinkers to discover proper methods for controlling and directing the mind. The other accident which in combination with the first enabled India to have different types of thinkers from the rest of the world also finds mention in the same article. S. Abid Husain again writes,…. “The warm, in some parts moderately hot climate of the country, the fertility of the soil and the abundance of water made India suitable for agriculture… As a rule, communities which took to agriculture are matriarchal and have a deep and strong feeling for family and social life…They are more peace-loving and human than in communities which were originally nomadic”. 11
Bolstering the ideas of S.A. Hussain, Shereen Ratnagar, ex-Professor of JNU writes, “…. In Asia there are very few early farming settlements like Jericho where defensive structures occur”.12
She also writes, “In contrast with central Asia and Africa, we don’t have vast stretches of grassland in South Asia which would have provided habitats for large and consolidated pastoral groups… Our pastoral people….. are fringe groups, without economic or military might. 13
Modern Anthropologists, mostly, do not accept the existence of matriarchy in any part of the world in any period. Writes Gail Orrvedt,” what is wrong with the theory, however, is that it lacks support from accepted historical and anthropological evidence….”.14
Gail Omvedt also writes, “Even the strongest Marxist feminist anthropologists argue for the equality of men and women in ancient pre-class hunter-gatherer or horticultural societies, not for the dominance of women.” 15
Mahabharata echoes the same sentiment in describing the war-free, sexually-free happy anarchic society of the UTTARAKURUS.
“There is no greed (NISKAMA), no violence (AHIMSA- vegetarians all), nor punishment (DANDA) in Uttara Kuru region. Their minds are always calm. There is no jealousy in that country. Women and men have absolute sexual freedom.” 16
Women’s equal position in society and her sexual freedom led to many one-parent families Many Vedic Rishis are simply introduced as the sons of their mothers only. Meditating women, known as Yoginis, discovered the importance of supreme values like non-violence, truth, minimizing wants tendency (APARIGRAHA) and Asteya.
Asteya, the motherly attitude (caring for the other members of society before you satisfy your needs) is a part of the Yogic YAMA. Meditation made the Yoginis discover that only a calm mind, neither disturbed by calamities nor pleasure, can lead to a balanced happy personality. This was the SHHAMA portion of Yoga. At the later phase, sophisticated physical exercises were added as another item to the practice of Yoga. Archeologists discovered a lot of seals in Mahenjodaro- Harappa society which they interpreted as the figures of goddesses. As Mahenjodaro- Harappa culture was atheistic in character, the figures were evidently those of Yoginis. Among so many Yoginis, we find only one male Yogi, the figure of proto-Siva. Even today, in the Nuapada District of Orissa in Rampur Jharial area, there are sixty four Yoginis and one Yogi, Siva( the physical postures of Yoga must have been a later addition as they do not form the essential part of Yoga. They might have been added by the male Yogis).
After the Asians came to India, the fusion of earlier Yogi Siva and Yoginis took place with the god Rudra and goddesses worshipped by the indigenous communities and the Vedic Aryans. Thus non-violent Gods and Goddesses turned into violent ones because of the fusion of pre-Vedic, indigenous and Vedic Aryan gods and goddesses. The identification of Durga with Parvati is the result of such a fusion. The Yoginis changed into indigenous Goddesses, before whom animals were sacrificed.
Mahadev Chakravati writes in his thesis that Rudra, “in the Rig-Veda represented the ruthlessness of nature, the only god who is feared and held in awe by the Vedic bards, the healing aspect of the deity is reflected in the beneficent rains loosened by the storm” 17
Scientists agree that human brain is a complex entity that is responsible for all our creative and cognitive activities. Human brain is a product of million years of evolution, a process that defies simple explanation. “You are your brain”, says Eric Kendal, a Nobel-prize winner. Man is different from the animal world only because of his brain. Much of our present misery is due to our lack of understanding the process of evolution and the human brain. “Nobel Prize- winning Biologist, S.E. Luria, points to the misuse of science in attributing violent behaviors to the genes. Moving away from genetic determinism and its inevitability (as too often interpreted, the insatiability of war and death), Luria says that biologists have a nobler role for the future to explore “the most intriguing feature, the creativity of the human spirit”.18
Creativity may follow three paths: the path of constructive activity, the path of destructive activity or the path of the arts, which is a separate but joy-giving domain. Science, ethics: each is a product of the human brain. The greatest gift of creativity to mankind is ‘love’. This ‘love’ may play havoc with human societies if it remains confined to groups and the creative capacity is utilized against other groups.
The path of evolution for humanity is constant increase of ‘sociality, another name for the love of one’s own group which becomes bigger and bigger. Had evolution been allowed to proceed, sociality or love would have embraced the whole of humanity. As the evolution process is very slow, such growth would have required a long period.
“Aiello and Dunbar have recently reported robust and important cor-relation among primates between neo-cortex size and group size. Projected into an evolutionary past, these factors suggest that large group size and increasing importance of pro-social affiliation were a decisive selective force in the evolution of The Human Language.” Culture and Cooperation in Human Evolution: Encyclopedia of Anthropology Vol-I(PEACE)
The immense range and extent of human creativity has made group rivalries terribly dangerous for human beings. The cosmic destructive potential of human societies not only pose a danger to human groups, combined with greed, the power of destruction leads to extinction of hundreds of animal, reptile and bird species. An experiment conducted by Prof. Andrew Newburg in the Neurological Department of Pennsylvania University on the brain of a Tibetan Yogi, M. T. Baime, proved that a Buddhist compassion-aiming Yogi’s mind is full of cosmic love i.e. love for the whole of creation and such a mind is the most creative one in the positive sense of creativity.
What became possible in pre-Vedic India because of the right type of culture developed due to the free exercise of the female brain could have happened in the whole world through the process of evolution; but for its having been hijacked by the nomadic violent male brain ten thousand years ago. Evolution, a complex phenomenon needs discussion, based on the evidence available from science. The process of Yoga must have been a discovery of the female brain as the supreme value ‘non-violence’ is not likely to be the discovery of the male mind.
The fossils of Australopithecus (Lucy) which are 3.5 million years old indicate that the bi-pedal creature (the initial stage of the human species) had a brain not much different from the ape’s brain (375-500 CC). 2,30,000 years back, human brain reached the present size i.e. 1300-1500 CC. How and why did this occur? In what way human living style differed from that of the apes, so that this crucial change in the size of the human brain occurred?
The process of natural selection works on all the species; the apes, and the humans. Darwin wrote about another process also: the process of sexual selection. The big size of the antler’s horn and the big and beautiful size of the peacock’s tail occurred because of sexual selection, in spite of the fact, that these processes led to a diminishment of the survival capacity of the males.
Nature has made the males and females of most of the species different so that sexual selection has a role. In addition to survival adaptation, females had the duty of caring for the young. In the case of the human species, 3.5 million years back, “The males (Australopithecus Afarensis) were almost twice the size of females. Such big differences in sizes is quite common between males and females of the same species in apes.” 19
Within millions of years male and female sizes became the same. The book ‘The Mating Mind’ (MILLER) asserts that the growth of the human brain occurred due to sexual selection process. The great anarchist scholar, Jobn Zerzan, also advocates the same process. The growth of the human brain and its increase in complexity led to an increase of human ‘sociality’ and ‘creativity’. The females of the human species preferred the caring male to the ferocious strong male because, as the brain size of the human young started increasing, the care of the young required longer periods Most of the brain- size growth in the case of the human being took place outside the human fetus because of the limitations of the female pelvis “A long period of post-natal brain development entailed a long childhood. …….. This meant that there was time and opportunity for interdependent communication between parents and child. This allowed for the evolution of language and culture”.20
Female’s selection of caring male as life partner with occasional mating with genetically-rich other males was the specialty of human females according to evolutionary psychologists ‘Thornhill and Gangetad’ (The Evolutionary Biology of Human Female Sexuality) write that when fertile, they (women) choose a mate with cues indicating high genetic quality, and when non-fertile (phases of the menstrual circle), they adopt strategies to adopt a male partner from whom they may obtain some material benefits.” 21
“Women may employ multiple strategies, choosing a feminized face for a long-term partner; but finding a masculine face attractive for short-term extra pair computations. 22
The Mahabharata legend of Swetaketu where his father Uddalaka says that his mother’s freedom to choose a sexual partner other than her husband temporarily, is the age - old (SANATANA) custom. 23
Acceptance of KHETRAJ children indicates the acceptance of this dual sexuality by the thinkers of ancient India. “In the case of Guerrillas, polygyny led to big and fierce male growth and the existence of single male-harems, consisting of a number of females. In the case of Chimpanzees, there was multi-mating system. The strongest social bonds are among males, not females. Males hunt together. Gibbons are monogamous, egalitarian. Among Bonbons, females are socially-bonded, not males. Mother’s bond is almost ever-lasting for her children”. 24
In human societies, violent and fierce males could not dominate because of the social bonds among females. Deprived of sex, their genes could not be passed on to the next generation. Males and females, who care for the young, develop smaller bodies because the brain uses several times the energy of any other similar- sized organ. In the case of the bird species calked ‘Phalarope’, the female is larger than the male because the male takes care of the young, not the female.
Since female sexual selection acted as the dominating force in the evolution of the human brain, it becomes necessary to make a comparative study of the male and female brain. Female brain acted as the motor in the growth of the human brain. Writes J.W. Pres cott, Asst. Clinical Professor of the University of Caliphornia.
“….. the human female brain is wired differently for greater neuro-integrative brain processes than the human male brain which is reflected in the gender difference of nurturance, compassion, love and spirituality that have been so noted throughout history. ……there is greater neural interconnectivity between the cerebellum, limbic system and the frontal lobes in the human female brain than in the human male brain.” 25
Ashley Montague, a famous Anthropologist writes, “…..woman knows true love, let her not be tempted from has knowledge by the false idols man has created for her to worship. Women must stand firm and be true to her own nature. To yield to the prevailing false conception of love, of unloving love, is to abdicate her great evolutionary role to keep human beings true to themselves, to keep them from violence to their inner nature, to help them to realize their potentialities for being loving and co-operative.26
John Cartwright writes, “Kappelman (1996) for example gives an E Q for women of 4.64 and of 4.32. (EQ is Encephalization quotient, the measurer of intelligence) for men.” 27
Professor Semir Zeki (Neuro-Biology) writes “…women do many things better than men, precisely because they use both hemispheres and are thus more engaged with the task” 28
Constant increase in ‘sociality’ and ‘creativity’ was the defining characteristic of growing human brain during the huge gathering period (not hunting) of the human species.
Creativity occurs because as increase in the neurone population led to, “greater richness of analysis and combination expressed in modifiable and insightful behavior” 29
“As Devore remarks in summary of the available material. “Primates have literally social brain. Thus well before it was influenced by cultural forces as such, the evolution of what eventually developed into the human nervous system was positively shaped by social ones”. 30
Great personalities of history who have influenced human societies through the ages: men like the Buddha, Christ, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther king and many others, had more female qualities than male ones.
“It seems that whoever bore the burden of infant care lives the longest and this is probably because the survival of their valuable infant depends upon ensuring their own survival.”31
Prof. A Campbell quotes Neihoff, “the continuous serotonergic back ground of females suppresses activity in target cells of the cortex and limbic system that prevents excessive reactions to sensory information” she also writes, “… The chemical that holds us back from aggression is serotonin.” 32
Like serotonin, males have the chemical ‘Testosterone’ which has been implicated principally in status – seeking and in aggression, as a route to that end. (Mazoor & Borther-1998).
Incest became taboo in the remote past because women wanted it. This paved the way for the preservation and growth of families and societies. “On average, ninety percent of violence of our planet is committed by men.”33
The female mind acting as the motor slowly changed the human brain by developing the neo-cortex, the seat of creativity based on sociality, acting as the regnant part (Greetz) directing all other parts of the brain . Brain scientist, V.S. Ramachandran, interviewed by the Indian Sunday Express Magazine 14.09.2003 calls neo-cortex as the ‘central executive structure’. In the hunting phase, human species started running in the track of ruin because violence dominated his activities and became the principal tool of the man-made evolution. Writes Cornelia Dean “Stone age humans wiped out many animal species in places as varied as the mountains of New-Zealand and the plains of North America. “Hunter-gatherers with fairly simple technology were actively degrading some marine eco-systems tens of thousands years ago “says Torben C. Rick, of the National Museum of Human History (Smithsonian Institution). C Dean quotes from the journal ‘Nature’ and anthropologists of repute in her article (2009 New York Times News Service). 34
Human interference led to many undesirable consequences, Evolution became more rapid, leading to a genetic change of 7% within a short period. Many species of plants and animals became extinct. As nomadic pastoralists established kingdoms based on the slavery of the males and females of the weaker human groups, patriarchy got firmly established. The male brain started working as the motor of the new human-directed evolution. Human character got degraded as millenniums passed. Military, feudal and capitalist societies valorized violence and greed. Rape was unknown among hunter gathers. Modern educated people accept rape as a normal phenomenon in times of war. In India, communal riots are engineered more by the educated than the illiterate. The communist army of Russia was as fond of rape as the armies of the capitalist West. Torturing other human beings is commonly accepted as normal by the police and the military of the so-called most civilized nations like the US. Ethnocide gains legitimacy and religious terrorisms are no longer rare phenomena. Demonisation of humanity, because of the reign of greed and violence in the human brain, is gaining ground in all societies. No wonder, a group of prestigious scientists like Constance Lorenz, Betzig, Chignon, A.O Wilson and many social Darwinians have a pessimistic view of human nature. Many members of rich families in America and military personnel fighting wars, suffer from bouts of depression because they flout the norms favoured by the evolution’s greatest gift, the neo-cortex. Rationalist Yoga of compassion is the only method to have a fully contented, calm neo-cortex as the laboratory tests in the U S confirm. No surprise the Mahenjodaro Harappa society was the only non-violent island of civilization in the third millennium B.C. Sarad Patil’s book’ Das-Sudra Slavery (chapter-XV)” provides evidence to establish Yoga, Samkhya and Lokayat (the philosophies of Pre-Vedic India) as the products of the female brain.
Like Einstein, a lover of knowledge, beauty and love; Bertrand Russell tells us that his quest is for knowledge and love. Ashish Nandy writes that Russell’s faults as a family man stemmed from his failure to base his rationalism on love. Evolution teaches us that ‘sociality’ or ‘love’ comes first and creativity or knowledge should be based on it. The rationalist Yoga system (Arthasastra) confirms the message of evolution by basing its structure on YAMA values (Non-violence truth Asteya and Aparigraha). The patriarchal value of ‘Brahmacharya’ was not included as a value in ancient Yoga. Brahmacharya was not accepted in ancient Jaina religion as a value. Yogis like Vasista and five other Rishis of Saptarshi fame (Viswamitra was from the patriarchal culture and is not included among them) were known as sons of their mothers only. They lived with their wives in hermitages.
Human brain stopped growing at the hunting stage. Human beings started killing a large number of animals because their creative brain which helped them to devise weapons for self-defense discovered and developed powerful destructive weapons which no animal could resist. Sexual selection came to a halt.
The process of evolution is very slow. Human interference quickened the process of the manmade evolution and wrought havoc in the entire eco-system. The availability of meat in the hunter phase brought a stop to the process of sexual selection by women. Lured by the taste of meat, women preferred hunting men to caring men. The evolution process of nature got reversed with the dominance of the hunter. The seeds of Patriarchy were sown in the hunter phase of human life. No wonder, the human brain, a product of sociality, stopped evolving at this stage. This happened before human migration from Africa occurred. So, today, scientists find that all Humans beings of the world have almost the same innate brain capabilities. Racism as a myth, has been exploded by the scientists.
The hunter-gatherer society was a peaceful society. Of the more than one hundred nomadic hunting and gathering cultures that have been reported ethnographically, in all, but a few, people were able to congregate in bands large enough to contain unrelated families. (C. Boehme). This society was egalitarian and anarachic.
In the hunting and the later domestication-of-animals phase, women’s subordinate status became more and more visible. What was female choice in the hunting phase became female compulsion in the domestication-of-animals phase because of group raids and wars. Maria Mies, a leading feminist, writes that male supremacy, far from being a consequence of men’s superior economic contribution, “….was a result of the development and control of destructive tools (bows and arrows and spears) through which they controlled women, nature and other men.” 38
The Origin of Patriarchy’ from ‘What is Patriarchy’? By Kamala Bhasin
To quote from the editorial of the Radican Humanist of August-2009.
“He (Michael Jackson) said, “… is the human family’s most precious legacy, its richest bequest, its golden inheritance.”
To repeat, Kautilya described rationalist Yoga (Arthasastra) (Not Patanjali’s miracle or Siddhi –providing Yoga) as the only way to redeem humanity from its menacing legacy of destruction and greed-based psychic tendencies. The Mahenjodaro- Harappa civilization values nurtured personalities like Buddha and Gandhi. They are the true legatees of the Yogic culture. Buddha was a rationalist, Gandhi had faith in both rationalism and to some extent in humanist mysticism from occasion to occasion. I agree with Tagore who points out a loving accusing finger at the great man’s occasional irrational outbursts like his remarks on the Bihar earthquake. The compulsion of attracting the Purana- nurtured huge Hindu community to the path of Satyagraha might have influenced Gandhi to introduce irrational elements in his sayings and activities either consciously or unconsciously. Fallibility made him more human-like.
Rationalist Buddha and Satyagrahi (non-violent fighter) Gandhi make a perfect combination of a role –model for ushering in a democratic socialist society, where Yogic YAMA values permeate the whole society (not the Niyama values which got added to Yoga during the Vedic period). Ancient YOGA and SAMKHYA (Both atheistic and rational) together provide a perfect system of guidance for future mankind. To limit Yoga to physical postures or psychiatric methods used for the systemic-evil victims, though productive, do not do justice to the great system of Anwikshiki (Yoga, Samkhya and Lokayat), in praise of which Kautilya in Arthasathra spared no words.
Mahenjodaro Harappa civilization reached great heights because of the acceptance of Anwikshiki by its noblest daughters and sons, enjoying equal status in society. The message of evolution had its true incarnation in Anwikshiki culture. In this anarchic society, Yogis (anwikshikians) had the highest status (Megasthenes), but they shunned power, wealth and honour.
1). The Third Culture.
2). The Synthetic Path: Paul Davies The Third Culture.
3). The Third Culture’ Editorial.
4). Plectics: The Third Culture.
5). ‘Falling in love’: The Emotional Machine written by Mervin Minsky.
6). ‘Falling in Love”: The Emotional Machine written by M. Minsky.
7). Plectics: The Third Culture.
8). II. Canto –GITA-
9). Plectics: The Third Culture.
10). The Bases of Indian Culture from The National Culture of India.
11). Ibid.
12). Hunter gatherer and Early Hunter gatherer and Early Agriculture: The Other Indians:
13). Ibid.
14). Feminist concept (Matriarchy and patriarchy) Research centre for women’s studies. Series No.7.
15). Ibid.
16). (Gitapress) Mahabharata-Volume-VI Canto-102.
17). Rudra and Rudra Siva: The concept of Rudra-Siva.
18). Violence and Human Nature – Howard Zinn.
19). Apes that walked: The Story of Man by Biman Basu.
20). Development of the Human Brain: Gentle Bridges Edited by – J.W. Hayward and F. J. Varela.
21). Prof. POWLOWSKI, polish Academy of sciences in his book review.
22). Human Mate choice: Evolution and Human Behaviour: John Cartwright.
23). ‘Looking for a Hindu identity: D. N. Jha: Indian History Congress: 66th lecture.
24). Scientific American -2009 July-07 special issue on MIND.
25). P-172 spring 1996, Pre-and Prenatal Psychology journal.
26). The Natural superiority of women Rev. Edn. 1974.
27). Evolutionary Biology and Sexism from ‘Evolution and Human Behaviour’
28). Prof. Zeki’s Musings.
29). Prof. Clifford Greetz : Growth of culture and the Evolution of Human Mind: The Interpretation of Cultures.
30). Ibid.
31). ‘High Stakes and Low Risks: Women and Aggression’ from ‘A Mind of her Own’ by Anne Campbell, Department of Psychology, Durham University.
32). Ibid.
33). Ibid.
34). The Hindu 22.08.09.
Bagawat Prashad
Roith Colony, 3rd line,
Phone No. 06856-235092 (Orissa)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
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