Monday, January 26, 2015

Evolutionary (Science-Directed) Socialism: Part-II... BY SRI BHAGWAT PRASAD RATH

    Albert Einstein wrote, ‘Modern anthropology has taught us, through comparative investigation of so-called primitive culture, in which the social behavior of human beings may differ greatly, depending upon prevailing cultural patterns and the types of organization which predominate in society.  It is on this that those who are striving to improve the lot of man may ground their hopes: human beings are not condemned, because of their biological constitution, to annihilate each other or to be at the mercy of a cruel, self-inflicted fate’.    

Fifty thousand years back humanity made the wrong choice in the mode of production. From that day the social, political, cultural and intellectual life process in general moved in the wrong predatory direction. (Refer Marx’s remarks in the first part of the essay) The evils that afflict the modern society can be traced to that day.  The society of gatherers was mainly dependent on females collecting food material (80% of the food consumed by the family) from nature.  The society was peaceful, contented and affluent.  Anthropologist Marshal Sahlin writes in his essay ‘The Original Affluent Society’:-“Bushmen who live in the Kalahari Desert enjoy a thing of natural plenty in the realm of every day useful things, apart from food and water … they had no sense of possessions.” Patricio Draper (Prof. of Anthropology New Mexico, University) writes in his essay in the Book ‘Toward an Anthropology of Woman’,  “ The point to be developed at some length is that in the hunting and gathering  context, women have a great deal of autonomy and influence.  Some of the contexts in which the evolutionarism is expressed will be described and certain features of the foraging life which promotes egalitarianism will be expressed… A similar degree of mobility for both sexes, the lack of rigidity in-sex-typing of many activities including domestic chores and aspects of child socialization, the cultural sanction against physical expression of aggression, the small group size…”

Thus writes the anthropologist Peter Gray, ‘During the twentieth century, anthropologists discovered and studied dozens of different hunter gatherer societies, in various remote parts of the world, who had been nearly untouched by modern influences.  Wherever they were found- in Africa, Asia, South America, or elsewhere; in deserts or in jungles-these societies had many characteristics in common.  The people lived in small bands, of about 20 to 50 persons (including children) per band, who moved from camp to camp within a relatively circumscribed area to follow the available game and edible vegetation.  The people had friends and relatives in neighboring bands and maintained peaceful relationships with neighboring bands.  Warfare was unknown to most of these societies, and where it was known it was the result of interactions with warlike groups of people who were not hunter gatherers.  In each of these societies, the dominant cultural ethos was one that emphasized individual autonomy, non-directive childrearing methods, nonviolence, sharing, cooperation, and consensual decision-making.  Their core value, which underlay all of the rest, was that of the equality of individuals’.

Again Peter Gray wrote, ‘If just one anthropologist had reported all this, we might assume that he or she was a starry-eyed romantic who was seeing things that weren’t really there, or was a liar.  But many anthropologists, of all political stripes, regarding many different hunter-gatherer cultures, have told the same general story.  There are some variations from culture to culture, of course, and not all of the cultures are quite as peaceful and fully egalitarian as others, but the generalities are the same.  One anthropologist after another has been amazed by the degree of equality, individual autonomy, indulgent treatment of children, cooperation and sharing in the hunter-gatherer culture that he or she studied.  When you read about “warlike primitive tribes,”  or about indigenous people who held slaves, or about tribal cultures with gross inequalities between men and women, you are not reading about band hunter-gatherers’.  (How hunter-gatherers maintained their egalitarian ways.)

Human beings are what they are because of their brains which is a product of the culture of the hunter-gatherer society. Our brain development came to a stop when the hunter-gatherer society was replaced by hunter society fifty thousand years ago.  Scientists say that research shows that within the last twenty thousand years we lost about 20 percent of our brain cells.

In spite of the research done by Robin Dunbar and his colleagues, exactly why we developed such large brains is a disputed subject. To quote from the book ‘Evolution and human behaviour’ written by John Cartwright, ‘The rapid growth of the human brain, which for about 1.5 million years remained at about 750 cm3 and then in the past 0.5 million years doubled to its present volume, has led some, such as Geoff Miller (1996), to suggest that a runaway sexual selection process must have been at work’ (Chapter: The Evolution of Brain Size).
 When John Cartwright wrote the words ‘disputed subject’, the book FEMALE BRAIN had not been written and thinkers had not made a deep study of the original Mahabharata known as JAYA containing one twelfth the size of the present Mahabharata. Both the books give sufficient evidence to prove that ‘sexual selection’ is the cause of human brain development.  Dunbar’s research also indirectly points at sexual selection because in forming big societies females play an important role. Males generally prefer solitary living (Orang Outang, lions), harem building (Gorilla) and forming groups with males only (Chimpanzee, the Greek warriors who were generally homo-sexual).

 Louann Brizendine, M.D. writes in the book THE FEMALE BRAIN, “This means that women are, on average, better at expressing emotions and remembering the details of emotional events. Men, by contrast, have two and a half times the brain space devoted to sexual drive as well as larger brain centers for action and aggression”. ‘……….Men also have larger processors in the core of the most primitive area of the brain, which registers fear and triggers aggression- the amygdale.  This is why some men can go from zero to a fistfight in a matter of seconds, while many women will try anything to defuse conflict ’.  

‘Women’s tendency to defuse conflicts was responsible for stopping male’s fights for women’s sexual favour 7 million years ago. In the case of other great apes, this type of role was not played by their women folk. About 3.6 million years ago, human species in the phase of Australopithecus Afarenses   only among the great apes had their teeth changed in shape to less- intimidating ones because of their non-use in male fights for the sexual favour of women folk.  As male -fights played no role in women’s sexual choice; men resorted to carrying presents of gathered fruits   to women.  Thus bio-pedalism occurred in the human species (Lovejoy)’.
‘That our mental instincts haven’t changed in millions of years may explain why women, worldwide, look for the same ideal qualities in a long-term mate, according to the evolutionary psychologist David buss.  For over five years, Buss studied the mate preferences of more than ten thousand individuals in thirty-seven cultures around the world-from West Germans and Taiwanese to Mbuti Pygmies and Aleut Eskimos.  He discovered that, in every culture, women are less concerned with a potential husband’s visual appeal and more interested in his material resources and social status…….. Nevertheless, he found that, in all thirty-seven cultures, females value these qualities in a mate much more than males do, regardless of the females own assets and earning capacity’.

In the Mahabharata, we come across many episodes where women want progeny from carrying and sharing males (Yogis).  Sulabha, a famous intellectual, adept in Samkhya philosophy, approached Janaka for   sexual favours.  Ganga approached the family of the saint kings of Santanu for marriage purpose.  Madhabi shunned kings and approached Rishi Galab to be her life mate.  

Madayanti, the wife of the famous Veda -mentioned king Sudas, established sexual relations with Rishi Vasista with the consent of her husband. Rishi Dirghatama became the father of king Vali’s children Anga, Banga, Kalinga, Brahma and Sumha with Vali’s consent.  There was no sexual jealousy among the males in that society.  R. S. Sarma writes in his book ‘Rethinking India’s past’ (Chapter- Rethinking the Past) that a sexually – free Aryan society still exists in India in Ladakh area. To quote him ‘A case of the presence of an Aryan tribe in Ladakh valley in Kashmir has been reported in the Times of India in Patna on 11 March 2006’.   It refers to an Aryan tribe living in three villages in the valley and suggests that they practiced agriculture.  They are presented as fair people with good eyes and noses.  Though their colour is not mentioned they seem to be white-skinned. They practiced polyandry and polygamy and kissed one another openly.  They are Buddhists by religion.  Under modern protests they gave up polyandry and open kissing’.  The Nair society in Kerala, till recently, was matricentric in character.  Nair women preferred to have children from Nambudri Brahmins rather than from their Nair warrior husbands.
The Hunter Gatherer period of human history was the golden period of human development.   It is better to call it ‘The Gatherer Period’ as man was not the hunter but the hunted in that period.  Predatory animals stopped hunting human beings when the discovery of fire and the formation of big- band men –women mixed societies of more than 100 individuals made human- hunting difficult for predatory animals. Whatever meat was available in that period was not because of hunting but scavenging.  Fifty thousand years ago when man improved the killer apparatus,   the hunter society came into being.  The Gatherers who were mainly from the women folk lost their importance.  They started choosing hunters, who were having high status in their societies, as their sex –mates.  
When man had reached the stage of Lucy (Australopithecus Afarensis) in the Pliocene era, the male - female body dimorphism was 1.7:  1, but, unlike Bonbons and Chimpanzees, the canine teeth of human- beings showed no male - female dimorphism.  This was because of sexual selection.  Initially human   society was not like Chimpanzee society but Bonbo (Dwarf Chimpanzee) society, peaceful and women –dominated.  In Bonbo society, women chose their sexual partners indiscriminately.  In the case of Human females, they chose their sexual partners amongst those who did not fight each other. Till to day, it is not the females who are responsible for our wars, but, our males.  
The female brain has tremendous unique aptitudes – outstanding verbal agility, the ability to connect deeply in friendship, a nearly psychic capacity to read faces and tone of voice for emotions and states of mind, and the ability to DEFUSE CONFLICT.

(What makes us women?: THE FEMALE BRAIN by Louann Brizendine, M.D.? )    

‘If you can read faces and voices, you can tell what an infant needs. You can predict what a bigger, more aggressive male is going to do.  And since you’re smaller, you probably need to band with other females to fend off attacks from a ticked off caveman-or cavemen…...If you’re girl, you’ve been programmed to make sure you keep social harmony’.

   The Birth Of The Female Brain:  THE FEMALE BRAIN.

            A Socialist society must be a Matricentric society. Matricentricism is a word coined by the great thinker Erich Fromm. It is different from matriarchy.  Like Patriarchy, Matriarchy leads to domination of the females in society.  In a matricentric society men and women enjoy equal power.  Matricentricism works only at the cultural level.   All the members of society have love for others. They give importance to the caring and sharing attitude.   Thus wrote Fritjof Capra in the book ‘Uncommon Wisdom’.  ‘It seems that at the very basis of our health problems lies a profound cultural imbalance, the overemphasis on yang, or masculine, values and attitudes.  I have found this cultural imbalance to form a consistent background to all problems of individual, social, and ecological health.  Whenever I explore a health problem in depth and try to get to the roots of things  I find myself coming back to this imbalance in our value system’. 
(The Big Sur Dialogues ).

In the past, there were two societies which were totally matricentric.  One was that of Israel in the pre-Biblical age.  The other was the society of pre-Vedic India. In these societies, religion had no role. We have clear evidence regarding the pre-Vedic Indian society. The Mahabharata in its earliest form JAYA contains a lot of information. Regarding Matricentricism and the Israel society Murray Bookchin writes in his book. ‘The Ecology of Freedom’: ‘The emergence and dissolution of hierarchy’.  In any case, some ten thousand years ago, in an area between the Caspian Sea and the Mediterranean, nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers began to develop a crude system of horticulture and settle down in small villages, where they engaged in mixed farming………The development of horticulture, or gardening, was probably initiated by women.  Evidence for this belief comes from studies of mythology and from existing preliterate communities based on a hoe-gardening technology.  In this remote period of transition, when a sense of belonging to a relatively fixed social community  increasingly replaced a nomadic outlook, social life began to acquire entirely new unitary qualities that (to borrow a term devised by Erich Fromm) can best be called matricentric.  By using these terms, I do not wish to imply that women exercised any form of institutional sovereignty over men or achieved a commanding status in the management of society.  I merely mean that the community, in separating itself from a certain degree of dependence on game and migratory animals, began to shift its social imagery from the male hunter to the female food-gatherer, from the predator to the procreator, from the camp fire to the domestic hearth, from cultural traits associated with the father to those associated with the mother. The change in emphasis is primarily cultural, “Certainly ‘home and mother’ are written over every phase of Neolithic agriculture,” observes Lewis Mumford, “and not least over the new village centers, at least identifiable in the foundations of houses and graves,” ……..Today, one would want to replace some of Mumford’s words, such as his sweeping use of “agriculture”, which men were to extend beyond woman’s discovery of gardening into the mass production of food and animals.  We would want to confine “home and mother” to early phases of the Neolithic rather than “every phase”.  ……….

“……………If anything, women’s stature in inscribing her sensibilities and her hands on the beginning of human history has grown rather than diminished.  It was she who, unlike any other living creature, made the sharing of food a consistent communal activity and even a hospitable one that embraced the stranger, hence fostering sharing as a uniquely human desideratum.  Birds and mammals, to be sure, feed their young and exhibit extraordinary protectiveness on their behalf.  Among mammals, females provide and produce of their bodies in the form of milk and warmth.  But only woman was to make sharing a universally social phenomenon to the point where her young-as siblings, then male and female adults, and finally parents-became sharers irrespective of their sex and age.  It is she who turned sharing into a hallowed communal imperative, not merely an episodic or marginal feature”.

‘Finally, we cannot ignore the fact that women’s foraging activities helped awaken in humanity an innate sense of place, of oikos.  Her nurturing sensibility helped create not only the origins of society but literally the roots of civilization-a terrain the male has arrogantly claimed for himself.  Here “stake in civilization” was different from that of the predatory male: it was more domestic, more pacifying, and more caring.  Her sensibility ran deeper and was laden with more hope than the male’s, for she embodied in her very physical being mythology’s ancient message of a lost “golden age” and a fecund nature.  Yet ironically she has been with us all the time with a special genius and mystery; one whose potentialities have been brutally diminished but ever present as a voice of conscience in the bloody cauldron that men have claimed for their “civilization.”…………. ‘In the remains of early Neolithic villages, we often sense the existence of what was once a clearly peaceful society, strewn with symbols of the fecundity of life and the bounty of nature.  Although there is evidence of weapons, defensive palisades, and protective ditches, early horticulturists seem to have emphasized peaceful arts and sedentary pursuits.  Judging from the building sites and graves, there is little evidence, if any, that social inequality existed within these communities or that warfare marked the relationships between them’.

The crucial role in human evolution was played by women’s choice of caring and sharing males as sexual partners.  That this type of choice was prevalent in ancient India can be affirmed from the numerous episodes in the Mahabharata.  Probably this type of society developed and continued in Israel also. That the most intelligent men   and women of the ancient world lived in matricentric pre-Vedic India can be proved from the fact that the elite of the Mohenjodaro – Harappa society were free from any conception of God and any type of violence. There were no kings or priests in that society (archeology and the Mahabharata).

World history teaches us that war- loving societies have not produced good philosophers,   scientists or creative artists.  The two famous Greek cities were Athens and Sparta. Sparta produced only great warriors. Today Israel is one of the worst violent states in the world which has embraced aggressive nationalism of the Hitlerian variety.  A little more than twenty percent of the Nobel laureates in science are Jews.  Six million Jews live in America.  Eight million Jews live in Israel.  American Jew community produced one hundred twenty six Nobel laureates in science.  Israel Jews can claim only six Nobel laureates in science as their own. The military mentality of the Jews may have been partially responsible for this phenomena. Intelligence is a hereditary product.  We have seen, in the case of the peacock’s tail, how sexual selection can exert powerful force and bring about rapid change that flies in the face of natural selection. The credit for uncommon Jew intelligence goes fully to the Jew women folk of the past matricentric Jew society. They preferred caring and sharing males as sexual partners.   This led to the extra ordinary growth of intelligence in the Jew society.

Einstein says in the essay ‘IS THERE A JEWISH POINT OF VIEW?   ‘How strongly developed this sense of the sanctity of life is in the Jewish people is admirably illustrated by a little remark which Walter Rathenau once made to me in conversation:  “When a Jew says that he’s going hunting to amuse himself, he lies.”  The Jewish sense of the sanctity of life could not be more simply expressed.’

In India after the Aryans came, the people who built the Sindhu civilization left their lands and got scattered in many parts of India. Most of the Dravidians who constituted the Sindhu society went to the South. Later the elite of the Sindhu civilization became the Brahmin community. The present Tamil Brahmin society is steeped in superstitions. The caste system and untouchability (A horrible custom) that plague the whole of India are present in virulent forms in Tamil society also.  Tamil Brahmins constitute about 0.2 percent of the Indian population, yet they have produced the three Nobel laureates of India.  V. S. Ramachandran, a great world -level neurologist, Ramanujan, a great  genius in the field of Mathematics, Viswanath Anand, a world champion in the field of chess in the past and many other world-level scientists  and mathematicians are products of this  community.  Next to Tamil Brahmins, the Bengalis also produced some world -level figures in many fields.  Extra -ordinary persons like the Buddha and Gandhi are India’s great gifts to the world.  The presence of extra- ordinary intelligence (both social and general) in many communities in India is due to the legacy of the past matricentric societies. Women of the pre-Vedic past, chose caring and sharing males (Yogies) as their temporary or permanent sexual partners.   

The Sindhu civilization was an egalitarian one.    R. S. Vist, the archeologist who excavated Dholabira asserted that there is enough evidence regarding the fully egalitarian nature of Dholabira society. Socialists the world over should make a deep study of this civilization which gave the highest place of honour to the philosophers. Even in the Mouryan age, this system of highest status being given to the philosopher in society continued (Megasthenes and Arthasastra). The Greek philosophers dreamt of such a society run by philosopher -rulers but produced a highly in- egalitarian society.

In an essay of the news paper ‘Orissa Post (24.01.2012)’ named ‘Male Sex Drive, the root of all evils’  it is written, ‘The Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology  (Oxford) claim that it is actually the male warrior instinct which has helped men evolve to be aggressive to outsiders (Philosophical trans-actions of Royal Society ‘B’)…….In contrast, women are naturally equipped with a tend and befriend attitude, meaning they seek to resolve conflicts peacefully in order to protect the children, according to the researchers’.

In his essay ‘Self as a Political Concept’ (Self-Images, Identity and Nationality): Ashis Nandy writes ‘Among the hundreds of often non-cumulative studies which I came across then were certain running themes.  I shall crudely summarize ……I found that a large number of these studies mentioned that, as compared to the highly competent, the highly creative showed, if they were men, qualities more associated in the American Society with femininity……….’

How important matricentric values are for the development of humanity can be gauzed from the above two paragraphs.

(To be continued in Evolutionary (Science-Directed) Socialism: Part-III)

Bhagwat Prasad Rath,
3rd Line, Roith Colony,
At/PO/Dist. – Rayagada –2
PIN- 765002, Odisha.
Phone No. 06856-235092
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